When we are starting out to build a PLN the idea and task can be a little daunting. It did to me at the beginning. And really I still am at the beginning! It does take time, but it doesn't need to be a lot of time.
In the most recent Edublogs PLN challenge Sarah Poling mentions the idea of spending 15 minutes a day, which will over a period of time make you very competent at what you are learning. For myself I then take this and say well I will spend some time most days. Sometimes it will be more and sometimes less.
photo © 2010 Eric Lockheart | more info (via: Wylio)
I started out in a small way and joined the classroom Edublogs blogging challenges run by Sue Wyatt, for the last few years. I didn't realise at the time that I was beginning to build a PLN. I thought I was just getting into the world of classroom blogging and it was away to connect with other teachers and classes. My eyes were opened to the learning going on in other classrooms and I wanted that for my class too. At this time I was introduced to the use of Google reader, firstly to follow blogs in the challenge, then my student blogs and finally I now use it to follow teachers who I want to learn along with.
Earlier this year I joined the Edublogs Teacher blogging challenge and through that I found more teachers, learned along with them, or was amazed at what some of them were doing far beyond where I was. Through that I became aware of some of the webinars that were available from such sources as Techtalk Tuesdays and I have joined in occasionally with those. Recently I could not be at the live webinar but I connected in later to listen to an Evernote webinar. Afterwards I spent some time setting up Evernote to track my students, as I had seen suggested my Richard Lambert on his blog. He had presented a webinar on Digital Storytelling, I attended that, have since bought his book and want to start out on that particular journey.
During the Teacher Blogging challenge I decided to join Twitter. This came as a result of seeing how teachers in the blogging challenge were using it. I have started very small. I usually link into it quickly a couple of times per day. I am still learning the conventions of Twitter. I was working with a student recently, and was having to remind her about putting in full stops. During our last session she said, "Right now I put in a full stop." Then had to be reminded again later. I thought to myself why can't she do this all the time. However I was reminded of that little thought later in the evening when I sent off a tweet without the hash-tags it needed. I had used them properly in another tweet, but forgot again. I then understood where we both were in our learning steps! It helped me be far more compassionate towards both of us. Today I have been learning about the Structured Overview of Learning Outcomes (SOLO) and the experience made even more sense to me.
As you may be able to see, I think I am building a PLN in a way that is particular to me. I am finding that as I participate in something I am meeting up with people I have met up before so I am deepening links with some people. It is then leading to something new, joining up with something new. And so the journey goes on. One thing leads to another. I want quality rather than quantity. So my goals for building my PLN are:
1. Spend some time on it each day.
2. Comment on people's blogs that I follow.
3. Spend a little time surfing through the latest updates on Twitter.
4. Click on links that interest me in a tweet.
5. Connect with others on Twitter as I see the opportunity.
6. Each day spend time with one idea gleaned. Explore it and decide it I am going to depth it.
7. Recognise when I have a sense of fullness, small bites will be enough.
9. Track how gradually my PLN and my own skills and knowledge is growing.
(For example my New Zealand contacts have grown as I have consciously set about to develop this.)
photo © 2010 Hartwig HKD | more info (via: Wylio)
In the most recent Edublogs PLN challenge Sarah Poling mentions the idea of spending 15 minutes a day, which will over a period of time make you very competent at what you are learning. For myself I then take this and say well I will spend some time most days. Sometimes it will be more and sometimes less.
I started out in a small way and joined the classroom Edublogs blogging challenges run by Sue Wyatt, for the last few years. I didn't realise at the time that I was beginning to build a PLN. I thought I was just getting into the world of classroom blogging and it was away to connect with other teachers and classes. My eyes were opened to the learning going on in other classrooms and I wanted that for my class too. At this time I was introduced to the use of Google reader, firstly to follow blogs in the challenge, then my student blogs and finally I now use it to follow teachers who I want to learn along with.
Earlier this year I joined the Edublogs Teacher blogging challenge and through that I found more teachers, learned along with them, or was amazed at what some of them were doing far beyond where I was. Through that I became aware of some of the webinars that were available from such sources as Techtalk Tuesdays and I have joined in occasionally with those. Recently I could not be at the live webinar but I connected in later to listen to an Evernote webinar. Afterwards I spent some time setting up Evernote to track my students, as I had seen suggested my Richard Lambert on his blog. He had presented a webinar on Digital Storytelling, I attended that, have since bought his book and want to start out on that particular journey.
During the Teacher Blogging challenge I decided to join Twitter. This came as a result of seeing how teachers in the blogging challenge were using it. I have started very small. I usually link into it quickly a couple of times per day. I am still learning the conventions of Twitter. I was working with a student recently, and was having to remind her about putting in full stops. During our last session she said, "Right now I put in a full stop." Then had to be reminded again later. I thought to myself why can't she do this all the time. However I was reminded of that little thought later in the evening when I sent off a tweet without the hash-tags it needed. I had used them properly in another tweet, but forgot again. I then understood where we both were in our learning steps! It helped me be far more compassionate towards both of us. Today I have been learning about the Structured Overview of Learning Outcomes (SOLO) and the experience made even more sense to me.
As you may be able to see, I think I am building a PLN in a way that is particular to me. I am finding that as I participate in something I am meeting up with people I have met up before so I am deepening links with some people. It is then leading to something new, joining up with something new. And so the journey goes on. One thing leads to another. I want quality rather than quantity. So my goals for building my PLN are:
1. Spend some time on it each day.
2. Comment on people's blogs that I follow.
3. Spend a little time surfing through the latest updates on Twitter.
4. Click on links that interest me in a tweet.
5. Connect with others on Twitter as I see the opportunity.
6. Each day spend time with one idea gleaned. Explore it and decide it I am going to depth it.
7. Recognise when I have a sense of fullness, small bites will be enough.
9. Track how gradually my PLN and my own skills and knowledge is growing.
(For example my New Zealand contacts have grown as I have consciously set about to develop this.)
So what about actual time? Sometimes in the morning I spend a little time glancing at my Google reader or Twitter. In the afternoon/evening I might read on Twitter or engage in blogging. The weekend sometimes gives me some time as does school holidays as well. However I have less time for reading, watching TV, chores, and in person people time. It’s rather like budgeting with money, if you buy this then you can’t buy that..
To some extent what I choose is governed by what is going on around me or within me. However I find that whatever I am passionate about time isn't a big factor. I just need to remember I can't have it all. We are time bound creatures! However we have the gift of choice.